What's the Deal?

This is the the blog of A.C. Abbott (Slater), instructor for Film Appreciation 1 Spring 2009, El Centro College.
This blog will be used as a forum for out -of-class commentary. All blogs will be linked to this one so that I can easily review them and so that others can view and comment on their classmates blogs.

20% of your grade will be derived from your Blog Entries: You will set up a blog preferably on blogspot [here]– if you do not already have one.  These must be posted on your blog and time stamped so I can see when they were posted. I will go through and check each blog, but I won’t tell you when, and occasionally I will make comments. Be creative with this opportunity. If you want to talk about a certain parody of a music video that you saw on youtube, try to post the video into your blog. The more links to things you are reading, videos you are watching, and copied pictures of ads you are seeing or even shows you are describing the better your grade will be. Please think about how you are ‘packaging’ your blog – cultivate its personality. If you want to mythologize yourself, and have your blog serve as some kind of strange performance art on meta-mythology, by all mean please do it! It will be graded based on the following criteria:

50% Timely Completion
50% Quality/Depth of Interpretation

If another student writes three solid paragraphs on Step Brothers and you have only written a one sentence summary and one sentence speculation about its mise en scene – your quality score will not be high.

Friday, December 5, 2008

